Saturday, 3 January 2015


How many sappy new blogs have that title do you think?

 It's a total cliche but this year I will try to better myself. Just like every other year. I will go to the gym more, eat more salad, eat less junk, and use my phone less. Okay, no to the salad. Salad is the worst. I will try to be more active though, in both my body and my mind. This is I want to work harder at university and push myself to my full academic potential. I want to use this space to work on and improve my writing. Right now, I'm a writer who doesn't write, with no prospects of a career, but I want to change that. Sartorially Speaking will be used to exercise my writing muscles and take them to a pump class. For the time being, it will showcase small samples of my limited creativity. Maybe it will grow, maybe it won't.  That's the beauty of a new year, the promise of a fresh start, you never know what will happen. 2015 may be the year I learn to like salad.